MIDORI LINEA Spring Love 2015

Spring is officially over and Summer is HERE!

So although I am a true Spring lover, I also love love love Summer.  With that being said, Spring has been such an amazing season for me and MIDORI LINEA.

This past Spring MIDORI LINEA hosted two trunk show events with Bloomingdale's and we just finished one with My Three Gems in Livingston, NJ.  In addition I did a styling, segment (featuring MIDORI LINEA) with The Better Show, so this past Spring has been quite fun and fulfilling.

In the midst of all that I was able to visit my Florida stores and my girlfriend who is a stylist in Miami, so I really had a busy Spring filled with fashion, events, tv, and of course girl time!

I believe that pretty much covers my Spring season, ok Summer, let's see what you've got! #imready

Hope you love my Spring Recap!



MIDORI Bloomingdale's Trunk Show, Aventura FL

MIDORI Bloomingdale's Trunk Show, Aventura FL

Florida Lovin Florida lovin

Florida lovinSpa Day with my #girlfriend Spa Day with my #girlfriendThe Better Show featuring MIDORI and yours truly, xo Sakura The Better Show featuring MIDORI and yours truly, xo SakuraMy Three Gems trunk show

My Three Gems trunk show