Sunshine State Love & Gallery Fun

Before it is officially Spring, I wanted to do a little recap of the beginning of my 2016.  So far 2016 has been amazing, I recently went to Florida for business, but also some much needed girl time. I also did one of my favorite activities with a good friend of mine, and checked out some art in the city. I think it is important to find a healthy balance between work and leisure.  Although my schedule gets packed with events, photoshoots, and designing, I make sure to squeeze some time in for my personal life.  Whether it's exercising with a girlfriend, brunching or traveling with my husband, or just having fun with my friends, I always incorporate all these activities into my daily life.  One of my favorite things to do is go hiking with my husband and dog, I feel like it is a mini vacation, when I can't getaway, definitely something I would recommend to those that have trouble finding time to travel! xoxo, Sakura

Beach Yoga w/ my Girlfriend

Girlfriend Beach Yoga Nights

Florida Meetings call for Snapshots

Mid Day Meeting Snapshot

Miami Nights w/ my Girlfriend

Miami Nights/Girlfriend Time

At my Girlfriend's #girltalknights

At my girlfriend's, Cheers

Brunchin w/ my Husband

Brunchin w/ my husband

Gallery SnapshotGallery Fun

Gallery Fun

Gallary Days